
The Book of 1 Samuel

1 Samuel is a book filled with great leaders. They were leaders who were given favorable positions by God. They were leaders who were given favor by the people they were supposed to serve. But just because some began as a great leader did not guarantee they would remain a great leader. Many did not finish as well as they started. Join us on Sundays as we learn what happens to those who dethrone the King in their lives. Studying their examples can help us not only start well but finish well.

Live Sundays @ 10:45am

The Gospel of Matthew

During the Christmas season, we celebrate the birth of Christ, the Savior of the world. However, it’s important to remember that while Christ came for the world as a whole, He also came for you and me individually. The message of Christ is both global and personal, and it should have a profound impact on our daily lives. We invite you to join us on Sunday nights as we study how the faithful message of the Messiah can change and shape our lives in 2024 – especially during the busy Christmas season.

Live Sundays @ 6pm

The Book of Revelation

Our new sermon series through the book of Revelation titled "The King Returns," will delve into the profound and prophetic messages found in the Book of Revelation. This study will emphasize the literal and imminent return of Jesus Christ, our Lord and King. Join us as we explore the vivid imagery and powerful revelations that John received on the Isle of Patmos. Each Wednesday night we will examine passage by passage the hope, warnings, and triumphs foretold in this final book of the Bible, reminding us of the glorious promise of Christ's return and the ultimate victory of God's eternal kingdom.

Live Wednesdays @ 7pm
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